Do you want to publish a list of changes of your software project? SVN2Log automatically generates changelogs from Subversion repository. You do not need to waste your time and write special changelog document with a subset of features already described in your SVN commits’ desriptions – you decide which parts will be displayed to your users.
Latest release: 2010-12-01 Download
send output to stdout when the file is „-„, i.e. –output –
made dependency on PyXML optional.
Removed dependency on PyXML (aka python-xml), which is no longer supported. See NOTE this program expects the output from:
svn -v --xml
I.e. expects the verbose mode (of the xml output). Without the versbose mode will see error:
<logentry> doesnt have <paths> child.
Added first-line-only. Only show first line of commit message/log.
-H, –no-host generate author name without hostname
First unpack the archive anywhere on your disk. Then issue the command:
svn log -v --xml svn:// | python /path/to/svn2log/ -s -O -L -H -p '/(branches/[^/]+|trunk)/' -o changelog.txt
to generate changelog.txt file without too detailed information from repository located at svn:// url.
python --help
gives you detailed description of all available switches.
Every one supported by Python. For example Linux and Windows are supported.
All questions and feature requests should be emailed to: